"Be an opener of doors for such as come after thee"
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, October 11, 2010

Class Website

For the past three weeks we have been working on a class website. In my website I have included and extra credit page, a bookshelf, homework assignments, announcements and under forms and docs two syllabi for the two classes I am teaching theoretically. I had some trouble figuring out how to have two seperate pages with the syllabus attached for the two classes because the syllabi just wouldn't show up but they can be found on the website.

Here is the link: 


  1. THe link didn't show so here it is again: sites.google.com/site/brihdamericanhistory/home

    type in https before that

  2. Dawn, it looks pretty good! It's just missing some things that if you can get it fixed, I can regrade it.

    First, you still have some stuff remaining on several pages from Google. All of that needs to be deleted so that only your material remains. If you don't want one of Google's pre-set pages (such as the photos), you can delete the page, as long as it isn't one of the ones on my assignment page that I say you have to do. So look for the Google help tips, lorem ipsum text, stuff that Google did (such as the word of the week, which is the Google default word), and so on.

    Second, you need to be able to create the two sections and add syllabi for each one. That's really useful, because you'll do that a lot as a teacher each time you teach a new course. I have some tutorials on the assignment page to help with that.

    Third, the surveys on the contact me page and the survey on the sidebar also need to be deleted or changed, as they're Google's default forms.

    Fourth, you need to have one page that's a self-directed activity for students (maybe for extra credit) where you embed a video and some directions for what you want them to do. There's a tutorial for that too on my website.

    If the tutorials aren't helpful, let me know and we'll find a better way to explain what you need to know! Thanks!
