"Be an opener of doors for such as come after thee"
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Final post for final! with link :)

I feel like the video I made was the thing I was most proud of so here is the link to my video on youtube.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Final Semester Blog

  • What do you feel is the most useful technology (or teaching approach) you have learned this semester?
    • I think that learning more about Google Earth as a resource in my geography classes was the most useful technology I learned this semester. 
  • How do you plan to use this or other technologies in your future teaching?
    • I plan to use it to bring the world to the classroom. In my social studies classes I can use it to give virtual tours, show pictures, and just give students a better idea of what the world looks like and can offer.
  • How can you use technologies (the ones we learned or others) to engage your students in ACTIVE learning?
    • We can use it to do projects and small assignments in the classroom using available computers.  We can also do it as a quiz, having them pick a place and then virtually tour it and find things that are similar to other places.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Participation for first week of December

An interesting technology that people commonly use to share videos can also be really helpful in the classroom. I am of course talking about youtube. When I was preparing for a study abroad this summer I used youtube to find out about the culutre of wales and ireland and also some cool facts that I should know. It was a great visual and its readiliy avaliable so you don't have to make your own video. It is great for history majors because youtube often has clips of historical documentaries that take only a couple of minutes to show but enrich the lessons a lot.